Photo: iStock Editorial
When's the last time you took the road less traveled? To quote poet Robert Frost, altering the trajectory of your next trip might make all the difference in the end.
While you're likely to enjoy the larger map dots that boasts hundreds of thousands of tourists each year, there are a few Illinois locales that are too special to pass along the way. Be it history, charm, beauty, or a mix of all three attributes, something about this storied Illinois destination makes it one of the most underrated travel stops in the state.
If you're in the process of planning your next Illinois adventure, look no further than the most underrated town in the state!
According to a list compiled by LoveExploring, the most underrated town in Illinois is Arcola.
Here's what LoveExploring had to say about the most underrated town in the entire state:
"Arcola is just an hour-and-a-half drive east of Illinois capital Springfield, but it's worlds away. The big city buzz is replaced with a dreamy, small-town vibe and the place is a gateway to Amish country. You can pick up Amish-made crafts at shops in town, and you should also make time to stop by the Hippie Memorial: a giant shrine to hippie culture, this artwork by free-spirited railroad worker Bob Moomaw is made from found materials. Main Street is stuffed with striking 19th-century buildings."
Check out LoveExploring for a continued list of the most underrated towns across the country.